I'm Baaaaaack
The Reverend Pat Robertson called the other day, just to let me know I haven't been agitating the masses enough lately and his funds are drying up. I would have told him to go pleasure himself in some land far, far away and leave me alone, but the last time I did that I got nothing but grief and 2 weeks of phone calls from really pissed-off sheep-farmers in New Zealand.
So, I suppose I'll figure out something to do. The daniaspeak website http://daniaspeak.com/has been redesigned and still has some pages to tweak. The entire FunnyBoned and ScrapArt links are offline still as I wanted to replace them each in entirety. FunnyBoned should be up and running within the next week - ScrapArt and DGJ Gallery should follow soon.
And GoToGirl Consulting http://gotogirlconsulting.com/is on vacation for now. I have to decide if I keep it at this level or contract out more employees - more writers, editors, another SEO guy...it really makes you wanna just smile at people who say things like, "Oh! You work at home? That must be so great! You can do whatever you want, huh?"
Yep, makes you wanna just smile. And keep smiling as you scratch their eyes out.
So, until I manage to get everything up and running, I suppose I'll have to leave the agitating of the masses to the Conservative Republicans themselves. Sweet mother of god, between Ann Coulter and her "Witches of East New Brunswick" tirade against the 9/11 widows (specifically 4 who bonded together after losing their husbands in 9/11 and pushing for a how-the-fu*k-did-the-U.S.-government-NOT-see-this-coming investigation)and George W. who apparently wants everyone in Mexico to move in so there will be plenty of room for all the gays and lesbians he'd really like to kick out, the Republicans could get Hilary elected if they keep this up.
So, I'm off to create havoc in my own little world today. Have fun.